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Asked by: Gissela Orru
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow do I know if I have astigmatism from prescription?
Accordingly, what do astigmatism numbers mean?
The higher the number, the stronger yourprescription. Cylinder measures what degree of astigmatismyou have, or how flat or irregular the shape of your cornea is.Axis is measured in degrees, and refers to where on the cornea theastigmatism is located. Axis numbers go from 0 to180.
Herein, what do eye prescription numbers mean?
Glasses - How to Read Your EyeglassPrescription They are Latin abbreviations: OS (oculus sinister)means the left eye and OD (oculus dextrus)means the right eye. These numbers representdiopters, the unit used to measure the correction, or focusingpower, of the lens your eye requires.
To have 20/20 uncorrected vision, orvision achieved without glasses or contact lenses, you musthave low "sphere" and "cyl" numbers on your prescription. Onan eyeglass or contact lens prescription a "sphere" with a"plus" value describes hyperopia or farsightedness and a "minus"indicates myopia or nearsightedness.