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Asked by: Ghofran Wegrzy
medical health cold and fluHow do I know if it's allergies or sinus infection?
Allergies can produce many of the samecold-likesymptoms as a sinus infection, includingsinuspressure, a runny nose and congestion. Itchinessis rarely asymptom of a sinus infection. Another way totell thedifference is if you have very thick yellow orgreen nasaldischarge.
Also know, how do I know if it's allergies or a cold?
- Itchy and watery eyes are often telltale signs that thesymptomsare due to an allergy.
- A fever can occur with a severe cold, especially inchildren,but is not an allergy symptom.
- A sore throat can occur with allergies but is more common withacold.
Then, what is the first sign of sinusitis?
Acute sinusitis usually starts withcoldlikesymptoms such as a runny, stuffy nose andfacialpain.
Yes, allergies can make you feel tired.Mostpeople with a stuffy nose and head caused by allergieswillhave some trouble sleeping. But allergic reactionscan alsorelease chemicals that cause you to feeltired. Alack of sleep and constant nasal congestion can giveyou ahazy, tired feeling.