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Asked by: Bihotz Ababei
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do I know if my furnace capacitor is bad?
Moreover, what happens when a run capacitor goes bad?
If the Start Capacitor fails the motor willmostlikely not turn on. If a Run capacitor goes bad then amotorcan turn on but the running amperage will be higherthannormal causing the motor to run hot and have a shortlifeexpectancy.
Also to know, how long do furnace capacitors last?
Like all things, capacitors have a limitedlifespan. Most are designed to last approximately20years, but a number of factors can cause them to wearoutmore quickly.
Symptoms Of a BadHVACCapacitor Even though the fan is operating, werecommendthat the AC unit should be shut off. Without theruncapacitor in the circuit, the motor will pullexcessamperage. This can damage the motor and lead to amoreexpensive repair.