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Asked by: Jarmila Faba
hobbies and interests paintingHow do I know if my painter did a good job?
- Air holes. Tiny air holes that appear on the wall are a clear sign of an unprofessional paint work.
- Cracking or peeling.
- Blisters on the walls.
Also know, how can you tell if a paint job is bad?
Signs Your Interior Paint Job is Going Wrong
- No Wall Preparation Was Done.
- No Room Preparation Was Done.
- The Paint is Wrong for the Wall.
- Stains or Other Flaws are Visible Through the Paint.
- A New Paint Job Looks Faded or Discolored, or Damages Easily.
- The Paint is Blotchy, Streaky, or Blistered.
In respect to this, how do you deal with a bad painter?
Friendly Options for Dealing with a Bad Painter Express your concerns politely, but firmly, and ask them if they are willing to address your requests. An in-person visit to the painting company's office is a good step, if a phone call doesn't seem to elicit the response you desire.
Labor costs for painting vary widely, depending on region, season, type of painting project, and experience level. On an average, you can expect to pay around $50 per hour for house painting projects. However, highly experienced painters can charge up to $70 per hour for specialty projects like murals.