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Asked by: Porfirio Petrea
automotive auto safety technologiesHow do I know if my rear brake cylinder is bad?
When brake wheel cylinders do go bad, they willusuallyproduce a few symptoms that can alert the driver thatservice maybe required.
- Mushy brake pedal. One of the firstsymptomscommonly associated with bad wheel cylindersis amushy brake pedal.
- Poor brake response.
- Brake fluid leaks.
Likewise, people ask, how do I know if my rear wheel cylinder is bad?
It's probably yourbrakewheel cylinders.
- “Mushy” feel to the brake pedal. One of thefirstand most distinct symptoms of a bad wheel cylinder isa“mushy” brake pedal.
- Delayed or slow brake response. Another common symptom of badorfailing brake wheel cylinder is a poor brake response.
- Leaking brake fluid.
Correspondingly, how do I know if my brake cylinder is bad?
Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Brake MasterCylinder
- Abnormal brake pedal behavior. One of the firstsymptomscommonly associated with a bad or failing brake mastercylinder isabnormal brake pedal behavior.
- Contaminated brake fluid. Another symptom of a bad brakemastercylinder is contaminated brake fluid.
- Leaking brake fluid.
- Check Engine Light comes on.
Check the fluid level in the master cylinderfirstwhen any brake issues develop. If the reservoirisfull, you're not experiencing an external leak. If yourfootslowly sinks to the floor with normal pressure on the brakepedal,the master cylinder is leakinginternally.