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Asked by: Shizuko Santarelli
automotive auto insuranceHow do I know if my roof is damaged by hail?
An obvious sign of hail damage is visibleonthe metal flashing bordering the roof. Afterahailstorm, the flashing may show a series of dentsinthe material. The area around downspouts andinthe gutters may show evidence of mineralgranulesthat have become detached from the asphaltshinglesor rolled roofing.
Besides, how do I know if I have roof damage from hail?
Quick Things That Point to Roof Hail Damage
- Dented Gutters & Downspouts. Look for dents and dingsongutters and downspouts.
- Mailbox Damage.
- Hail Splatter Marks on Driveway.
- Damaged Siding.
- Damaged Windowsills/Casings.
- Torn Window/Door Screens.
- Broken or Cracked Glass (Windows/Doors)
- Door Dents or Paint Damage.
- Locate your homeowner's insurance policy.
- Organize your facts and records; insurance policynumber,date/time of loss, hail size (if known), photos, videos,damageitems.
- Call your homeowner's insurance claim number and providethenecessary information as requested.
Simply so, how do you know if your roof is damaged?
10 Signs That You Need Roof Repair ASAP
- Shingles that are curled, cracked, or absent.
- Shingles that are dark, dirty, or even wet.
- Lots of shingle granules in gutters.
- Wear and tear around roof objects and openings.
- Blistering or peeling exterior paint.
- Staining on interior ceilings or walls.
- Leaks in the attic after a rainstorm.
- A roof deck that is sagging.
one year