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Asked by: Anzelika Iturrieta
pets reptilesHow do I know if my snake has a respiratory infection?
Typical symptoms of a respiratoryinfectioninclude:
- Difficulty breathing.
- Mouth held open while breathing.
- Unusual wheezes, crackles, or other sounds whilebreathing.
- Discharge from the mouth and/or nose.
- Lethargy.
- Loss of appetite.
- Weight loss.
Considering this, how do I know if my bearded dragon has a respiratory infection?
Bearded Dragon Upper RespiratoryInfectionSymptoms
- Lethargy.
- Lack of appetite.
- Mouth breathing/gaping mouth.
- Black bearding.
- Snorting, sniffling, wheezing.
- Weight loss.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Runny discharge from mouth or snout.
- Dry, wrinkled or puckered skin.
- Loss of skin elasticity and flexibility.
- Sunken, receded eyes.
- Weakness and lethargy.
- Sticky or dry membranes.
- Flaky skin or trouble shedding.
- Constipation or infrequent defecation.
Moreover, what causes respiratory infections in ball pythons?
The most common cause of respiratoryinfectionsin ball pythons is keeping their environment toocold or atanother improper temperature. Most reptilerespiratoryinfections are detected when the snake beginstowheeze.
Beardies recognize and respond totheirowners' voices and touch and areusuallyeven-tempered.