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Asked by: Marshall Belkadi
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I know if my TV fuse is blown?
Also question is, how do you tell if a fuse is blown in your car?
Car fuses are small, so it's a little tougher to find signs that one blew. Hold it up to the light and look closely inside for a thin wire that connects the 2 sides of the fuse. If the wire is broken, or if you see charred marks, the fuse has blown.
Likewise, what do you do if your TV wont turn on?
If the television still won't turn on, turn your TV off at the wall and unplug it from the plug socket. Wait 30 seconds, and then plug it back in and switch it on. This is called a 'soft reset', and should recalibrate the TV.
The fuse panel is usually under the hood, under the instrument panel, or in a kick panel in the driver's compartment. With the fuse in the socket, a test light can be used to test the fuse. With one end of the test light clipped to the ground, the tester should light up when probing both sides of the fuse.