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Asked by: Haixiao Thraeger
careers resume writing and adviceHow do I know if someone accepted my friend request?
Thereof, how do I know if my friend request was accepted?
Simply go onto your friends requests andselect“view all”. From here select “ViewSentRequests”, which will show you the list of peoplewhohaven't accepted your friend request. Facebookwillthen clearly display the people who have ignored yourfriendrequest.
Also, do people get notified when you accept their friend request?
If you accept a friend request, andthenimmediately unfriend that person on Facebook, aretheynotified? When the friend request isacceptedhe/she will be notified of itsacceptance.
If you want to receive anemailnotification whenever you receive afriendrequest, you can adjust your emailnotificationsettings. A recipient of your friendrequest will receive anemail notification only ifthey have their emailnotifications turned on forfriendrequests.