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Asked by: Haojie Garau
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I know my ps4 controller is charging?
Also know, can you charge a ps4 controller with a phone charger?
Yes, you can charge a PS4 controller using a USBwall charger but you must check the chargersoutput to ensure it is compatible and will not burn out yourcontroller. The controller will only ever draw andask for 800ma (0.8amps) when plugged into a PS4 console orUSB wall charger.
Also question is, how do I know when my DualShock 4 is fully charged?
When you connect the PlayStation 4 and thecontroller with a USB cable, and the system is turned on or instandby mode, the controller's battery will begin to charge.You can check the charge level of the battery on the screenthat is displayed when you press and hold the PS button for atleast 1 second.
about 2 hours