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Asked by: Alexandria Sorron-Urquia
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do I know what size capacitor I need?
Regarding this, how do you size a capacitor for a motor?
Multiply 0.5 times the square of the voltage. Call thisresult "x.". Continuing the example, you have 0.5 times 11.5 voltstimes 11.5 volts, or 66.1 square volts for "x". Divide the start-upenergy requirement, in joules, of the motor by "x" to arriveat the capacitor size needed in farads.
In this way, what AC capacitor do I need?
The most common need for replacement of an AirConditioner Capacitor is the starting capacitor used insingle phase compressors or fans. Starting Capacitors createa phase shift during start up of the electric motor to help produceenough torque to bring the motor to full speed.
Capacitance Equations The definition of capacitance is given by thisequation: capacitance C, measured in farads, equalscharge Q, measured in coulombs, divided by voltage V, measured involts. If the capacitor had a higher capacitance, itwould store more charge when connected to the samebattery.