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Asked by: Lore Pedra
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do I know when Angel food cake is done?
Correspondingly, how can I tell when my cake is done?
When a Cake Tester Comes Out Clean Any thin skewer can be used as a cake tester,butmany bakers just use a simple toothpick. If youinsertit into the center of the cake, it should comeoutclean, with no streaks of batter. A few small crumbsareOK!
In respect to this, is angel food cake supposed to be dry?
Yah, angel food cake is meant to bedry.It's due to it being made up of nothing but egg whites.However,angel food cake absorbs liquid like a sponge withoutfallingapart. That's why they usually put fruit and other saucetoppingson it.
An angel food cake may fall out of thepanfor several reasons: Do not press on the bottom of thetwo-piecepan which can dislodge the cake from the sides ofthe pan.¢ The recipe could be out of balance. Too much sugarcanmake it too moist which can cause ittofall.