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Asked by: Laxman Walthers
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do I know when my jalapenos are ready to be picked?
Keeping this in view, do jalapenos get hotter when they turn red?
Left on the plant (and even after picked)greenjalapeños will eventually turn red. Soredjalapeños are older than greenjalapeños.The red ones can be prettyhot, especially if theyhave a lot of striations, butthey are also sweeter thanthe green.
Likewise, do jalapenos ripen after being picked?
Realistically, peppers do continue toripenon their own after you've picked them,so even if youkeep them in a small bin at room temperature,they shouldripen up for you in about a week or two,though besure to check on them periodically to make sure none ofthem goesbad.
About Jalapenos Transplants will begin to bear ripe fruit in70to 85 days, depending on cultivar. Most gardeners startpepperplants indoors six to eight weeks before the anticipatedset-outdate, since jalapenos started from seed outdoorswon't haveharvestable fruit for about fourmonths.