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Asked by: Kermit Cienfuegos
family and relationships divorceHow do I lower my child support in Florida?
Also question is, how do I get my child support lowered?
Part 2 Lowering Your Child SupportPayments
- Gather evidence of changes in circumstances.
- File a Petition to Modify Child Support.
- Argue that you are paying “extras.”
- Identify a change in financial circumstances.
- Submit a joint request to the court.
Also asked, what is the average child support in Florida?
Both parents contribute child support payments,according to their incomes. For instance, for income over $10,000,the guidelines stipulate the lowest amount based on the followingpercentages: One child – 5%, two children– 7.5%, 3 children -9.5%, four children –11%, five children -12% and 6 children up to12.5%.
Child Support and HealthInsurance Because providing coverage usually results in anadditional expense for parents, they may be able to deduct the costfrom their gross income figure on the child supportworksheet, which may lower the supportobligation.