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Asked by: Abderrazzaq Henrion
style and fashion bath and showerHow do I lower the free chlorine in my saltwater pool?
In this manner, how do I lower the free chlorine in my pool?
4 Ways to Reduce Chlorine Levels in YourSwimmingPool
- Stop Adding Chlorine. The simplest step to bring downchlorinelevels is to stop adding chlorine into the pool.
- Remove the Pool Cover. Another method to decreasechlorinelevels in your pool is to remove the pool cover.
- Use Chemical Agents to Reduce Chlorine Levels.
- Drain Some Water and Refill the Pool.
Also to know is, how do I raise the free chlorine in my saltwater pool?
Shocking a Saltwater Pool To effectively shock the pool, you mustquicklyraise the free chlorine concentration to 10ppm ormore, and you do this the same way as you would in aconventionalpool -- by adding chlorine. You can usecalciumhypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite orchlorinetablets.
If the pH is too low, the waterbecomescorrosive and chlorine escapes the water.Ifthe pH is too high, it may cause mineral builduponthe pool walls, making the chlorine will belesseffective. The proper pH level is 7.2 to 7.6.Thealkalinity should be kept between 80 and 120 ppm to helpbalancethe pH.