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Asked by: Birthe Dionis
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do I make bone armor in Skyrim?
Smithing. Dragonplate Armor is forged from dragonbones, Dragon scales and leather strips. The DragonArmor perk, which requires a Smithing skill of 100, must beacquired before this armor type can be crafted. DragonplateArmor can be upgraded at a workbench.
In this regard, what materials do you need to make dragon armor in Skyrim?
Dragonplate Heavy Armor
Ingredients | Name | DMG/AMR |
2 Leather Strips, 3 Dragon Scales, 1 Dragon Bone | Dragonplate Boots (Heavy) | 31 |
2 Leather Strips, 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Dragon Bone | Dragonplate Gauntlets (Heavy) | 31 |
2 Leather Strips, 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Dragon Bone | Dragonplate Helmet (Heavy) | 39 |
Armor Set | Total Defense | Effect |
Daedric Armor | 108 | None |
Stalhrim Armor | 102 | 25% stronger Resist Frost enchantments |
Dragonplate Armor | 102 | None |
Ebony Armor* | 96 | 5 Poison damage per second to nearby enemies, Muffle - EbonyMail part only |
Just so, how many dragon bones do you need to make armor?
To craft Dragon armor (including a shield),you'll need a total of 12 dragon scales and 6dragon bones; this figure goes up if you decideyou want to make weapons or scaled armor aswell.
Dragonscale Armor Edit Dragon Scales are also lighter thandragon bones, making it easier to transport the material forthe armor. However, if weight is not an issue and allHeavy Armor abilities are unlocked, Dragonplate is a morebeneficial choice.