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Asked by: Anika Gudelius
technology and computing antivirus softwareHow do I make my MacBook Pro startup faster?
10 Ways to Speed Up Mac Startup Times
- Upgrade to an SSD or Faster Hard Disk.
- Remove Unwanted Startup Items and Fonts.
- Remove Unwanted Login Items.
- Use Automatic Login and Disable Reopen Windows.
- Disconnect Unused Peripherals.
- Use Disk Utility to Verify Your Hard Disk.
- Periodically Check System Health.
- Use Sleep Mode Rather Than Reboot.
Moreover, how can I make my MacBook startup faster?
Here are some tips to make your Mac boot faster.
- Get an SSD Drive.
- Quit apps when you Shut Down.
- Create some extra space on your Hard Drive.
- Clean up your Desktop.
- Get rid of any unnecessary startup items.
- Get more memory.
- Get rid of 'Mac Keeper' and Virus Checkers.
- 7 Responses to “7 ways to make your Mac bootfaster.”
Correspondingly, why is my Mac startup so slow?
It may be that your Mac is slow when youfirst power on, but it runs smoothly from then on. This maybe caused by a list of programs and processes starting upautomatically when you power on. Mac slow startup fix:Open System Preferences > Users & Groups > LoginItems.
How to fix it: Start your Mac in the Safe mode
- Shut down your computer.
- Restart your Mac.
- Hold down the Shift key.
- Let go of the key when the login window appears.
- You're in the Safe mode — take a note of your keyboard'sresponse.
- Restart your Mac in a normal way.