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Asked by: Ting Ravenberg
technology and computing shareware and freewareHow do I mount an ISO file in Windows 7 32 bit?
You can:
- Double-click an ISO file to mount it. This won't work ifyou have ISO files associated with another program on yoursystem.
- Right-click an ISO file and select the“Mount” option.
- Select the file in File Explorer and and clickthe “Mount” button under the “DiskImage Tools” tab on the ribbon.
Then, how do I mount a disc image file?
You can also try mounting the disc imagefile by opening the Disk Utility application. PressCommand+Space, type Disk Utility, and press Enter to openit. Click the “File” menu, select “OpenImage,” and select the disc image you want tomount.
In this way, how do I run an ISO file?
Method 1 Using Windows
- Open the folder containing your ISO file.
- Right-click on the ISO file you want to install.
- Click Mount on the right-click menu.
- Open the "This PC" window on your computer.
- Double-click the ISO software disk under "Devices anddrives."
An ISO image is a disk image of an opticaldisc. Software distributed on bootable discs is oftenavailable for download in ISO image format. And like anyother ISO image, it may be written to an optical discsuch as CD or DVD.