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Asked by: Hye Frauns
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryHow do I obtain a certified copy of my passport?
In this way, how do I get a certified copy of my passport?
You know that to get a certified copy of acourtdocument, you have to go to court and pay to have a clerk makeacopy and certify it. The passportagencydoesn't provide certified copies of passports,butyou can get what you need by visiting a notary andpressingyour case.
Similarly one may ask, how do I get a certified true copy of my passport Philippines?
Procedure to Obtain the CTC or Philippine PassportCertifiedTrue Copy
- Ask assistance from the guard on duty as soon as you arriveatthe DFA branch of your choice.
- Present the required documents for applying the CTCofpassport.
- Submit the necessary documents for verification and it maytakeabout 30 minutes.
A certified copy is a copy (oftenaphotocopy) of a primary document that has on itanendorsement or certificate that it is a true copy oftheprimary document. A notarized copy is signed byanotary public (not to be confused with a notary in a civillawcountry).