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Asked by: Anara Pouget
technology and computing operating systemsHow do I open a LibreOffice file?
- right-click on any . odt file,
- select open with,
- left-click on Select other application,
- click on the LibreOffice Writer icon,
- tick the Always use selected application to open .odtfiles.
- and press OK.
Hereof, how do I open a LibreOffice document?
In this Wiki article, it says that MicrosoftOfficedocuments saved as a .doc or a .docx file canbeopened in LibreOffice. Therefore, you should be able tojustopen it. Just copy the files onto a flash driveandthen in Ubuntu, double click the .doc or .docxfileto open it in LibreOffice.
- Open Explorer and navigate to a file type that you wantassignedto LibreOffice.
- Right-click on the file, and choose "Properties"
- in the dialog that opens, you'll see an "Opens with:" line,witha Change button: click the button.
Consequently, can you open Microsoft Office files in LibreOffice?
1 Answer. Yes Microsoft Word canopenLibreOffice Writer documents in the odt format, unless it'savery old version your school has. You can alsoopenMicrosoft Word (doc, docx) files inLibreOfficeWriter.
Other than Microsoft Works, LibreOfficewillopen each file in its own window. You canswitchbetween the windows using OS-defined keyboard shortcuts, oruseLibreOffice's Window menu. Alternatively, youcanopen the Open dialog window from the Filemenuand select multiple files before clicking thebuttonOpen.