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Asked by: Idelfonsa Henckel
technology and computing emailHow do I open my second Gmail account?
Accordingly, how do I access my second Gmail account?
Go to and click the link nextto "Multiple sign-in." After you sign into your firstaccount, you can sign in with up to two additionalaccounts from the new accounts menu in the upperright hand corner of Gmail, then easily toggle back andforth between them.
In respect to this, can I open more than one Gmail account?
You are allowed to have as many accounts as youwant, and Gmail make it easy to simultaneously sign in tomultiple accounts. If you have more than one GoogleAccount, you can sign in to multiple accountsat once. Your accounts have separate settings, but insome cases, settings from your default account mightapply.
Here is how you can use multiple Google accountson your Android device: Step-1: Assuming you already haveone Google account, go to your Android device's Home screenand tap Settings, then Accounts. Step-2: You'll see theoption of 'Add account' (sometimes with a '+' sign beforeit) at the bottom of the screen.