Asked by: Idelfonsa Henckel
technology and computing email

How do I open my second Gmail account?

Open Gmail and log in with your firstGmail username and password. Select your profile picture orname in the top-right corner of the Gmail, and pressAdd Account in the resulting pop up. Enter asecond Gmail address you want to add as a linkedaccount. Enter the password of the secondaccount.

Accordingly, how do I access my second Gmail account?

Go to and click the link nextto "Multiple sign-in." After you sign into your firstaccount, you can sign in with up to two additionalaccounts from the new accounts menu in the upperright hand corner of Gmail, then easily toggle back andforth between them.

Likewise, can I have two Gmail addresses? Both my wife and I have separate Gmailaccounts. Yes, and you can easily access multipleGmail accounts but you have to sign out of youraccount first. This option is on the tiny drop-down menu, next toyour email address in the top right hand corner of yourbrowser window.

In respect to this, can I open more than one Gmail account?

You are allowed to have as many accounts as youwant, and Gmail make it easy to simultaneously sign in tomultiple accounts. If you have more than one GoogleAccount, you can sign in to multiple accountsat once. Your accounts have separate settings, but insome cases, settings from your default account mightapply.

Can I have two Google accounts on my phone?

Here is how you can use multiple Google accountson your Android device: Step-1: Assuming you already haveone Google account, go to your Android device's Home screenand tap Settings, then Accounts. Step-2: You'll see theoption of 'Add account' (sometimes with a '+' sign beforeit) at the bottom of the screen.

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Search for a user's account page
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console. Sign in using youradministrator account (does not end in
  2. In the search box at the top of your Admin console, type theuser's name or email address.
  3. In the list of matching accounts that appears, click an accountto go to its page.

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How do I switch Google accounts?

Switch accounts on the Google Play website on a mobiledevice
  1. Open a web browser (like Chrome or Safari) and then go .
  2. In the top left, tap Menu .
  3. Next to your profile picture and name, tap Edit .
  4. Select a different account. If you don't see one of youraccounts listed, tap Manage accounts.

Dulcina Merle


How do I manage multiple Google accounts?

You can't manage multiple accounts in a single browserwindow; each account opens in a separate window.

  1. Select Manage People.
  2. Click Add Person.
  3. Give your second Chrome profile a name (e.g., "WorkAccount").
  4. Select an icon for the profile.
  5. Click Add.

Leonisa Uhle


How do I remove an account from Google?

  1. Open the Settings menu on your device.
  2. Under "Accounts," touch the name of the account you want toremove.
  3. If you're using a Google account, touch Google and then theaccount.
  4. Touch the Menu icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Touch Remove account.

Jevgenija Mbarki


How do I sign into a different Google account?

Sign in
  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Enter your Google Account email or phone number and password.If information is already filled in and you need to sign in to adifferent account, click Use another account.

Adi Hihi


Can I have 2 Gmail accounts on my iPhone?

You can set up an initial account right from theMail app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, but forsubsequent accounts, you'll need to go through Settings. Foradditional accounts, you will need to set them up bytapping on the Settings icon and choosing Mail, Contacts,Calendars. Under Accounts, tap Add Account

Abdelouahhab Traviesa


How do I sign out of just one Gmail account?

When you sign out of one account, you also sign out of allyour accounts on that browser:
  1. On your computer, go to a Google page,
  2. On the top right, select your profile image or initial.
  3. On the menu, choose Sign out.

Roksana Bechtoldt


How do I change the Google account on my phone?

How to switch your primary Google account
  1. Open your Google settings (either from within your phone'ssettings or by opening the Google settings app).
  2. Go to Search & Now > Accounts & privacy.
  3. Now, select 'Google Account' on the top and choose the onewhich should be the primary account for Google Now and Search.

Martinho Bagrintsev


Odon Meroño


Can I create Gmail account without phone number?

If you want to create a new Gmail account,Google may ask you for a phone number verification. This wasoptional in the past, but recently Google has made it mandatory.However, there are still many ways to bypass this and createa new Gmail without the use of your phonenumber.

Aurelijus Mengual


Can I create multiple Gmail accounts with one phone number?

you can create 4 gmail accounts usingone phone at a time. you can create 4 accountsusing same ip address of pc/laptop using singlenumber at a time in 2018. Two of which using text message -two of which by voice calls to verify your number beforesign in when created new Gmail account.

Paramjeet Lenne


How do I know if I have a Gmail account?

If you're already using a Google product such asGmail, for example, then you have a GoogleAccount. If you're not sure you've signed up for anyGoogle products, you can check by visiting the GoogleAccounts password change page. Enter any emailaddress you think you might've used to create a GoogleAccount.

Crisologo Amin


How do I separate email accounts in Gmail?

Step 2: Change your Gmail settings
  1. On your computer, sign in to the Gmail account you want toimport to.
  2. In the top right, click Settings Settings.
  3. Click the Accounts and import tab.
  4. In the "Check mail from other accounts" section, click Add amail account.
  5. Type the email address of the other account, then clickNext.

Wioleta Wynhoven


How do I create a new Gmail account if I already have one?

The process is not hard, but requires clicking throughseveral screens to get to the end result.
  1. Open Your Gmail Account. Open Gmail in your browser.
  2. Click Add Account.
  3. Click Add Account in the "Choose an Account" Window.
  4. Click Create Account.
  5. Fill out the Create the New Account Form.
  6. Create your Google Account.

Aouicha Muhlbauer


How do I set up a second Gmail address?

Method 1 Creating a New Gmail Address onDesktop
  1. Click your profile icon. It's the profile picture in the topright corner of your inbox.
  2. Click Add account.
  3. Click More options.
  4. Click Create account.
  5. Enter your new account information.
  6. Click Next step.
  7. Scroll down and click I AGREE.
  8. Click Continue to Gmail.

Bolena Eicks


Alaina Ibrito


Is Gmail account different from Google account?

Google offers a bunch of differentservices like Google Photos, Youtube, Google+, andGmail. Gmail is a email service that is offered byGoogle. So technically, when you create a gmailaccount, you're also creating a Google account that youcan use with/for all the other services Google offers.But!

Joakina Haberberg


Why do I have two Gmail accounts?

Having a conflicting account means that youhave two accounts with the same email address, hosted ontwo different name storing databases. When the Google Appsaccount transitions into the Google Accountinfrastructure, only one instance of the account namecan appear in the Google Account namedatabase.