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Asked by: Tsvetelina Zschirnt
travel rail travelHow do I pay congestion charge in central London?
Keeping this in view, how do I pay congestion charge in London?
You only need to pay once, no matter howmanytimes you drive in and out of the Congestion Charge zoneonthe same day. You can pay in advance, on the day oftravelor by midnight the following charging day. Thedailycharge is £11.50 if you pay in advance oronthe same day, or £14 if paid thefollowingcharging day.
Hereof, do I have to pay congestion charge in London?
London road user charging You need to pay an £11.50dailycharge if you drive within the CongestionChargezone 07:00-18:00, Monday to Friday. The zonecovers thesame area as the CongestionCharge.
The London congestion charge is a fee chargedonmost motor vehicles operating within the CongestionChargeZone (CCZ) in Central London between 07:00 and 18:00Mondays toFridays.