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Asked by: Emiliano Camiño
personal finance credit cardsHow do I pay with Google Wallet in store?
To use your Google Wallet Card in stores,choose either credit or debit at checkout and type in yourGoogle Wallet pin (if asked). The card is accepted at manyMasterCard locations, and you're able to spend up to a limit of$5,000 every 24 hours.
Regarding this, how do I pay in store with Google pay?
You can add loyalty cards, gift cards, offers, andtickets to your Google Pay. Add loyalty or gift cards Openthe Google Pay app. At the bottom, tap Passes. At thebottom, tap + Pass.
Correspondingly, how do I pay with Google Wallet?
- Launch Google Pay. Locate the app icon of the Google logo withthe word "pay" next to it and tap it.
- Tap the menu icon.
- Select the “My Wallet” option.
- Tap “Send Money” from the menu.
- Provide the details of the person you're paying.
- Enter the amount to send.
- Select the card to use.
- Enter your PIN.
Google's mobile payments platform will nowlet you get cash at the ATM without ever touching yourwallet. Android Pay now supports card-free ATMtransactions at Bank of America, Google announced Wednesdayat its I/O developers conference.