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Asked by: Balkar Monterde
technology and computing digital audioHow do I play a WAV file on my Mac?
Your Mac can use many different programs, suchasiTunes or VLC, to play audio files. A quicksettingchange in the Finder establishes Quicktime asthedefault player for WAV files. Select theWAVfile by clicking on it in a Finderwindow.
Similarly, it is asked, how do I listen to a WAV file?
WAV files can be opened with Windows MediaPlayer,VLC, iTunes, QuickTime, Microsoft Groove Music, Winamp,Clementine,XMMS, and very likely some other popular media playerapplicationsas well.
Keeping this in view, how do I convert a WAV file to mp3 on a Mac?
How to Convert WAV to MP3 in Mac
- Open the iTunes program. Every Mac comes equipped withthissoftware.
- Change the encoding settings in iTunes. Click "iTunes>Preferences."
- Import the WAV file or files that you want to convert.
- Select one or more files that you would like to convert.
iPhone Tips It's a file format for audio files intheWindows operating system, but the macOS computers andiOSmobile devices cannot play .wav files.Hence, if youwould like to play a WAV file on aniPhone, itmust be converted to MP3 file or played bya .wav fileplayer app.