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Asked by: Xiaorong Monteagudo
technology and computing laptopsHow do I prolong the life of my computer battery?
Top tips for extending the battery life of your laptop
- Dim your screen.
- Change power settings.
- Switch off Wi-Fi.
- Turn off peripherals.
- Eject your disc drives.
- Invest in some hardware.
- Disable features.
- Battery care.
Moreover, is it OK to keep laptop plugged in all the time?
Leaving your laptop plugged in will notcauseshort term damage, but if you only ever use it on AC poweryou'llalmost certainly find that after a year the battery'scapacity hasbeen significantly reduced. Similarly, if you only everuse it onbattery power you'll get through the battery's dischargecyclesquicker.
Likewise, people ask, how do I make my computer last longer?
Here are eight ideas to help your computer stay healthyandlast longer.
- Keep it Covered and Clean.
- Keep it Cool.
- Keep it Current.
- Don't Jostle It.
- Surge Protector.
- 6. Make Sure You Have Enough RAM and Hard Drive Space.
- Solid State Drives Are an Affordable Upgrade toIncreaseLongevity.
For optimum battery use, and to get the most life outofyour laptop battery, keeping it charged between40%and 80% has been seen as optimum. However, thenewer-generationlithium batteries do better in full chargecycles, so notletting it get below 40% is a good rule ofthumbthere.