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Asked by: Mable Ovide
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow do I protect my outdoor security cameras?
- Purchase a camera that supports wireless security protocols like Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) for stronger data protection.
- Change your camera's default password and use a strong password that's hard to guess.
- Enable data encryption when setting your camera up.
- Keep the software up to date.
Beside this, how do I keep my security cameras from being stolen?
To prevent an outdoor surveillance camera from being stolen, place it out of arm's reach like up on the walls, soffit, the overhang of the roof, or under the eave, mount it into the wall with screw mount or security mount (Click here to find more prefect installation spots for security cameras).
In respect to this, can WiFi security cameras be hacked?
Most of those hacking WiFi cameras in the unsecured IP camera list got peered into due to default password or lack of password protection. What's worse, some WiFi cameras lack elementary security features. They fail to support SSL/TLS encryption, which makes IP cameras video surveillance footage vulnerable to hackers.
Tips for Keeping Your Security Cameras Bug-Free
- Apply lubricants to the outside case of your camera.
- Attach a dryer sheet to the camera.
- Disable the LED lights.
- Loop a flea collar around your camera.
- Spray bug repellent around cameras.
- Sweep camera areas weekly.
- Use a fan to prevent sider webs.