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Asked by: Suifen Haberneck
technology and computing web developmentHow do I protect my website from crawlers?
How you protect your site from such is:
- Set up CAPTCHA.
- Use robots. txt(some might not obey)
- Restrict the number of request per IP.
- Set up IP blacklisting.
- Restrict requests with HTTP headers from some user agents.
Similarly, you may ask, how do I protect my website from scraping?
- Take a Legal Stand.
- Prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks.
- Use Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) tokens.
- Using .htaccess to prevent scraping.
- Throttling requests.
- Create "honeypots"
- Change DOM structure frequently.
- Provide APIs.
Correspondingly, how do I stop search engines from indexing my site?
Method 1 – Using the Inbuilt FeatureonThe WordPress site Check the box that says Discouragesearchengines from indexing this site. After enablingit,WordPress will edit the robots.txt file and applydisallowrules which discourage search engines from crawlingandindexing your site.
Described below are the steps necessary to disablesearchengines from indexing your WordPress site during thedevelopmentperiod.
- Go to Settings -> Reading in your WordPress Dashboard.
- Mark the “Search Engine Visibility” optiontodisable search engine indexing.
- Click the blue “Save Changes” button to saveyourchanges.