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Asked by: Megumi Eiros
medical health cold and fluHow do I protect myself from the flu on a plane?
Planes and the flu: 6 things to know to help youstayhealthy while flying
- Wipe down communal surfaces such as tray tables andarmrests.Dr.
- Turn on your air vent.
- Let other passengers board first.
- Choose a window seat.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol while aboard.
- Use a nasal spray.
Similarly, how do I avoid getting the flu on a plane?
We tapped several experts to give their top tips.
- Avoid Using the Bathroom on Short Flights.
- Stay Hydrated.
- Keep Your Hands Clean.
- Don't Touch Your Face.
- Avoid Certain Areas of the Plane.
- Choose Your Seat Carefully.
- Keep Your Air Vent On.
- Do Some Health Prep.
- Wash your hands.
- Choose your seat wisely.
- Get some rest.
- Eat healthy food.
- Don't get on a plane if you're sick.
Besides, does wearing a mask on a plane prevent flu?
Filter Your Air with Nasal ScreensorMasks A mask can offer some protection for for youifother passengers are ill or for other passengers if you aresick.This is a particulate mask, but it does notprotectfrom chemical exposure. Many people wear theseonplanes to protect fromcontagiousillness.
How likely is it that you will catch the flu onafully packed airplane during flu season? Accordingtoa new study, not very likely. The flu virus canalsobe picked up from something an infectedpersontouched.