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Asked by: Prudenci Thaller
real estate real estate renting and leasingHow do I protect myself in an apartment?
- Get Renter's Insurance.
- Install a Security System.
- Check Exterior Lighting Around the Building.
- Replace the Door Locks.
- Get to Know Your Neighbors.
Herein, how can I avoid getting scammed on my apartment?
Ultimate List of Tips to Avoid Being Scammed When Apartment Hunting
- Dealing In Cash Is A Bad Start.
- Never Rent Without Having A Look At The Actual Place.
- Always Sign A Written Lease.
- Identify The Owner Of The Property.
- Make Sure Your Lease Identifies The Owner As Well.
- Sub-leasing Is Not A Great Idea.
- Install a good quality deadbolt (an ANSI Grade 1)
- Check the deadbolt strike plate and if necessary, replace it to a more secure one.
- Add hinge bolts.
- Install sash jammers.
- Use a strike plate lock when you're at home.
- Scare off criminals with a door stop.
Subsequently, question is, when I rent an apartment or house Do I have any rights?
Renter's Rights Yes, you do have rights and they include the following: Your apartment must meet be safe and clean to live in. It must meet state and local building codes, housing codes, health requirements, zoning ordinances, etc. The appliances must work.
Craigslist may be a popular choice for searching for apartments, but it can be risky. Prospective renters can reduce their risks by verifying the owners and avoiding giving out personal information right away. Using Craigslist to find an apartment is not a novel idea.