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Asked by: Nirmin Korycansky
personal finance credit cardsHow do I purchase a Starbucks gift card?
- Choose an eGift design.
- Add your own personal message and the amount you'd like togive.
- Enter an email address and hit send - that's it! Nowimagine the smiles it'll bring.
Likewise, people ask, can I use my Starbucks card to purchase a gift card?
To join My Starbucks Rewards, you simply need toregister and load a Starbucks Card in any amount, eitherin-store, online, or with a Starbucks gift card, and you'reready to go. Once your card is activated, you earn 1 Starfor every purchase made using the card (or theStarbucks mobile app).
One may also ask, what is the minimum amount for a Starbucks gift card?
The minimum amount that must be loaded onto yourStarbucks Card is $5 at participating stores or $15 at ourwebsite.
Starbucks Cards are accepted at mostStarbucks locations in North America, including airport andgrocery locations. Starbucks Cards can also be usedinterchangeably at most stores in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico,United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and Mexico.