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Asked by: Roberta Simes
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow do I put wood chips on a charcoal grill?
Hereof, can you put wood chips directly on charcoal?
Soak the wood chips for about two hours.Thenput the moist wood chips in a smoker boxattachmenton gas grills or directly on the coalsforcharcoal barbecues. Close the lid, and allowthechips to begin to smoke. Wait until smoke begins tobillowout of your grill.
Also know, do you have to soak wood chips for charcoal grill?
You don't soak wood chips In that case, smoke on the lowest heat levelthegrill can maintain, and reduce the cooking time.Toget the most smoke, soak wood chips in water for30minutes, and then place the drained chips on thehotcoals.
Hickory and mesquite wood chips are acommonchoice for smoking food. To ensure a good amountofsmoke, chips should be soaked in liquiduntilcompletely saturated before use. Dry chips will burnbutproduce less smoke. While water is the most commonlyusedliquid, wine, juice or even meat stock can alsobeused.