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Asked by: Darnell Wiedenbruck
technology and computing web hostingHow do I reduce response time on REST API?
Five Ways to Reduce Server Response Times
- Check Your Hosting. Time spent waiting for your serverto respond adds to your final page load times.
- Choose Your Web Server Carefully.
- Optimize Your Web Servers.
- Reduce Bloat.
- Optimize Your Database.
Hereof, how do I improve my REST API performance?
In this post I would like to present a few tips to improvethe performance of your Web API services.
- Use the fastest JSON serializer available.
- Use compression techniques.
- Use faster data access strategies.
- Use caching.
- Use asynchronous methods judiciously.
Furthermore, what is a good response time for API?
As a rule of thumb, the average alert latency should be< 60 sec in a well-performing system, but event latency ofbetween 60 to 90 sec is also acceptable.
Here are some of the many ways to increase your pagespeed:
- Enable compression.
- Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
- Reduce redirects.
- Remove render-blocking JavaScript.
- Leverage browser caching.
- Improve server response time.
- Use a content distribution network.
- Optimize images.