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Asked by: Azzedine Weissmann
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I refill my Epson EcoTank?
Refilling the Ink Tanks
- Place a sheet of paper under the ink tank unit, asinkmay splatter.
- Turn on your product.
- Make sure the power light is on, but not flashing.
- If you see a message on the LCD screen telling youtoreset the ink levels, note the ink tanks thatneedrefilling and press the OK button.
Accordingly, can you refill Epson 502 ink bottles?
Compatible Epson 502 ink bottles,4pack Compatible Epson 502 ink bottles areanalternative replacement for the original Epson 502 ink.Ourcompatible Epson 502 ink is manufactured to meet thesameperformance as the OEM Epson ink. Save up to 80%withcompatible ink!
is the Epson EcoTank worth it?
The high price of ink has been asource offrustration for many printer users. After testing the 2550againstsimilarly classed standard inkjet printers, they found thatthecost savings of the EcoTank only begins to add up afterfiveyears.
Part 3 Refilling and ReinstallingtheCartridges
- Fill the syringe with the correct ink.
- Inject the ink through the hole in the cartridge.
- Wipe off the cartridge.
- Put tape over the hole you drilled and poke a holethroughit.
- Insert the ink cartridges back into the printer.