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Asked by: Maybelle Montañes
technology and computing photo editing softwareHow do I remove Dllhost EXE from Windows 7?
- STEP 1: Use ESET Poweliks Cleaner to removeDllhost.exe *32 COM Surrogate virus.
- STEP 2: Use Rkill to stop the malicious process.
- STEP 3: Use Malwarebytes to remove theDllhost.exe *32 COM Surrogate malware.
Thereof, is Dllhost exe a virus?
No, it is not. Thetrue dllhost.exe file is a safe Microsoft Windowssystem process, called "COM Surrogate". However, writers ofmalware programs, such as viruses, worms, and Trojansdeliberately give their processes the same file name to escapedetection.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to start Task Manager.
- When Task Manager starts, find the COM Surrogate process andright click it.
- If you can't find COM Surrogate process, go to Details tab andsearch for dllhost.exe.
- Right click dllhost.exe and choose End Task.
Moreover, what is Dllhost EXE used for?
The COM+ hosting process controls processes in InternetInformation Services (IIS) and is used by many programs. Forexample, it loads the .NET runtime. There can be multiple instancesof the DLLhost.exe process running. In other cases,dllhost.exe is a virus, spyware, trojan orworm!
The genuine AppVShNotify.exe file is a softwarecomponent of Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) byMicrosoft Corporation. It executes under the user account, startingthe first time during a user session that any app is integrated andrunning until the user logs out.