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Asked by: Cataisa Bockhahn
style and fashion bath and showerHow do I remove rust stains from my pool liner?
Add about a cup of dry acid to the sock, andthentie the sock in a knot to keep the acidcontained.Use your pool pole to position the sockover thestain, holding it in place if the stain is ona verticalwall. Depending on the size and age of theruststain, the dry acid will eat away at thestain in5-15 minutes.
Also, what causes brown stains on pool liner?
Blue/Green stains are usually from too muchcopperin the water. Iron pool staining can be brown,red ora yellow / orange color. Calcium or sodium salts can leavewhitishdeposits on your pool liner.
In this manner, what causes rust spots in pools?
What Causes Rust Spots in Pools
- Oxidation of Water. The water you use in your pool mayhavemetal in it.
- Concrete Rust and Rebar. Rebar refers to intersectingmetalshafts typically found under the plaster of your pool.
- Metal Items in the Pool. Dropping a metal item in the poolcanlead to rust stains.
- Soluble and Colloidal Iron.
- Bottom Line.
But if you really scrub a vinyl linerwitha magic eraser it can visibly scratchtheliner.