Asked by: Moses Osterlein
music and audio tv and film podcasts

How do I remove the banner from my YouTube channel?

There is no way to remove the channelbanner. However, you could upload an all white 2560x1440 PNGimage and set your channel banner to that. There is no wayto remove the channel banner. However, you couldupload an all white 2560x1440 PNG image and set your channelbanner to that.

Similarly one may ask, how do I change my banner on YouTube?

Add or change channel art

  1. On a computer, sign in to YouTube.
  2. In the top-right menu, select My Channel. New channel art: Nearthe top of the screen, click Add channel art.
  3. Upload an image or photo from your computer or savedphotos.
  4. You'll see a preview of how the art will appear acrossdifferent devices.
  5. Click Select.

Subsequently, question is, what are the dimensions of a YouTube banner? According to YouTube, the best channel artsize is 2560 pixels wide by x 1440 pixels tall. There arehowever other sizing requirements to keep in mind. These include:Minimum file dimensions: 2048 x 1152.

Besides, how do you delete an account on YouTube?

How to Delete a YouTube Account

  1. Log in to your YouTube account.
  2. Click the Account link at the top of the page.
  3. In the Account section at the bottom of the page, click DeleteAccount. This takes you to the Delete Account page.
  4. Enter the reason you're closing the account.
  5. Enter your current password.
  6. Click either of the Delete My Account buttons.

How do I change my channel name in YouTube?

Change your channel name

  1. Sign in to your channel on YouTube.
  2. Click your account icon > settings .
  3. Select Edit on Google next to your channel name.
  4. Update the channel name and click OK.

Related Question Answers

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How do you change your profile picture on YouTube 2019?

Here's how to do it:
  1. Go to
  2. Click Profile (from the menu running down the left-hand side ofthe screen).
  3. Click EDIT PROFILE.
  4. Click your profile picture.
  5. Pick the image you'd like to use as your profile picture, orselect Upload photo to choose a photo saved to your computer.

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How do I change my background picture on YouTube?

Method 2 Using Your Smartphone
  1. Launch your phone's Internet browser. Just tap on the browser'sicon to open it.
  2. Go to YouTube.
  3. Sign in.
  4. Go to My Channel.
  5. Select “Add channel art.”
  6. Open your phone Gallery.
  7. Select a photo for your background image.
  8. Save the changes.

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How do I add a cover photo to my YouTube video?

Click the “Edit Info” button under thevideo description. Scroll to the Video Thumbnailssection. Click on a thumbnail that contains the image at thestart or end of the video clip. Click the “SaveChanges” button at the bottom of the page.

Fethi Rontgen


How do I make a picture big enough for YouTube Channel art?

Image size and file guidelines
Channel art looks different on desktop, mobileand TV displays – larger images may be cropped. Forthe best results on all devices, we recommend uploading one 2560 x1440 px image. Minimum dimension for upload: 2048 x 1152 px.Minimum safe area for text and logos: 1546 x 423px.

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How do I delete my YouTube account 2019?

Deleting a Youtube Channel
  1. Sign in to the account you wish to delete.
  2. Go to advanced account settings.
  3. Select delete channel.
  4. Select I want to permanently delete my content.
  5. Confirm you want to delete your channel.
  6. Select delete my channel.

Enrike Silbernagl


How do I report a YouTube channel?

You can report users, inappropriate background images orinappropriate profile avatars using the reporting flow located onthe bottom of every channel.
  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Go to the channel page that you want to report.
  3. Click About.
  4. Click Report .
  5. Select the option that best suits your issue.

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How do I delete an account on Google?

To delete your Google Account, follow thesesteps:
  1. Go to your Google Account.
  2. On the left navigation Panel, click Data &personalization.
  3. On the Download, delete, or make a plan for your data panel,click Delete a service or your account.
  4. On the Delete your Google Account panel, click Delete youraccount.

Renetta Schwengenbecher


Can you find deleted YouTube videos?

Steps on how to watch deleted YouTubevideos:
Visit then click on the WayBackMachine logo that you would see at the top of the site. Typeyour old youtube link on the search box and then click“Browse History”. Enter the video link of theYouTube video that was deleted and click“Browse History”.

Amandine Lengg


How do you block a YouTube channel?

Here's how to block someone on YouTube.
  1. Log into your YouTube account.
  2. Go to the profile of the offending person by clicking his orher name wherever it appears in YouTube.
  3. Click About from the list of options under their name.
  4. Hit the flag icon at the top.
  5. Select Block User.

Xicotencatl Birut


What is the YouTube banner size 2019?

Recommended Image Size for YoutubeBanner
The size that Youtube recommends you useis 2560 pixels by 1440 pixels.

Anastasios Bara


What is banner size?

What are the most common and used standard bannerad sizes: Square – 250 x 250. Small Square – 200x 200. Banner – 468 x 60. Leaderboard – 728 x90.

Joya Obels


What is the perfect size for a YouTube banner?

YouTube channel art requirements
Your starting point for your YouTube Channel artis the optimal banner image size of 2560 x 1440pixels. That's a large image file, and you may not have anappropriate image that is big enough at yourdisposal.