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Asked by: Aneliya Ferrari
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow do I remove unallocated partition?
- Click the "Start" menu, right-click "Computer" and select"Manage."
- Click "Storage" and select Disk Management." The DiskManagement utility is the built-in Windows utility to handle basicdrive and partition tasks, such as create, delete,resize and format.
Considering this, what does unallocated mean on a hard drive?
Unallocated Space A computer describes any physical space on a harddrive that doesn't belong to a partition as unallocated.This means that no programs can write to the space. To makeuse of unallocated space, you need to either create a newpartition using the space or expand an existingpartition.
- Step2. Check the other unallocated space and one targetpartition you want to merge to here, for example, C drive.
- Step3. Click “Apply” to execute the pendingoperations.
- Tips:
Beside above, how do I merge unallocated partitions in Windows 10?
You can enter the tool by right-clicking This PC >Manage > Disk Management. Then when there is unallocatedspace next to the partition you want to addunallocated space into, just right-click thepartition and choose Extend Volume.
To merge unallocated space to C drive withDisk Management Extend Volume function, you should make surethat the unallocated space is contiguous to the Cpartition under Disk Management. Then, you can right clickC drive and choose Extend Volume option.