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Asked by: Mubarak Sekariapuram
careers vocational trainingHow do I renew my medical assistant certification?
- By exam: Pass the CMA (AAMA)CertificationExam.
- By continuing education: As long as your credential has notbeenexpired for more than 60 months, you may recertify bycontinuingeducation.
- Online | Recertify online with secure online paymentprocessingfor both AAMA and non-AAMA CEUs.
Hereof, how do I renew my CMA certification?
How to Renew Your Certification
- Log in to your account >
- Select “Renew Certifications” on the leftmenu.
- Select "Complete More CE" to view the library.
- Complete 10 continuing education credits.
- Pay your recertification fee.
In this way, does a medical assistant certificate expire?
Certificates for medical assistantarevalid for several years, but the period of validity variesbyorganization. A certificate from the American AssociationofMedical Assistants is current for 60 months, while onefromAmerican Medical Technologists expires inthreeyears.
Medical Assistant Continuing Education OptionsandRequirements. Continuing education formedicalassistants is required by The American AssociationofMedical Assistants (AAMA) and The AmericanMedicalTechnologists (AMT). Medical assistants musttakecontinuing education courses in order to maintaintheircredentials