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Asked by: Weili Makhtiev
business and finance human resourcesHow do I report a parole violation?
Similarly, you may ask, what are common parole violations?
Types of Parole and ProbationViolations Some of the most common parole and probationviolations include: Committing a new crime. Refusing or failinga drug test. Failing to report to a parole orprobation officer.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what happens if you have a parole violation?
Penalties for a Parole Violation Penalties can include: Arrest Warrant: A warrantmay be issued for your arrest. Revocation: Yourparole may be revoked, and you may be returned toprison for the remainder of the original sentence. Increased Termof Parole: You may be ordered to spend additionaltime on parole.
If someone is not following the rules of hisprobation, you can report the violation to the countyprobation office. Anyone can locate a person'sprobation officer by calling the local probationdepartment. You'll need details of the exact nature ofthe violation and as much evidence as you cangather.