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Asked by: Liguo Angot
technology and computing digital audioHow do I reset my Dansrue mp3 player?
Besides, how do I reset my Eclipse mp3 player?
All mp3 players usually have a tiny buttontoreset the player. It should be somewhere onthechassis. Stick a safety pin in it and hold for about 20secondswhich is the usual time. I usually hold it for about aminute justto be sure.
Subsequently, question is, how do you unfreeze a Sansa mp3 player?
Press the Power/Menu button again to turn ontheplayer. Resetting a Sansa View, Fuze, orClipplayer: 1. Slide and hold the Power switch upforapproximately 20 seconds.
To perform a soft reset on the Sansa ClipSport,press and hold the power button. The power button is thecenterselect button on the Sport. Hold this down for 15 to 20seconds andthen release; now press the same button and turn theplayeron.