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Asked by: Doralba Gieschen
technology and computing antivirus softwareHow do I reset my Malwarebytes trial?
Also to know is, how do I change Malwarebytes from free trial to free?
If you find yourself in a similar situation, there's aneasy way to downgrade your copy of Malwarebytes Premium toMalwarebytes Free. To do so, open Malwarebytes onyour computer. Go to Settings > My Account, then click onDeactivate Premium trial.
Keeping this in view, what happens when Malwarebytes Premium Trial Ends?
When the evaluation period isover, you start to receive notifications fromMalwarebytes (from the notification area and in thedashboard) to upgrade to Premium version, saying “Yourpremium trial has expired'.
A few of these scam anti-virus software providersgo so far as to advocate the removal of MBAM. It is easy to fallfor these types of scare tactics, but you do not have anything toworry about when it comes to Malwarebytes. So, to be clear,Malwarebytes is a legal and legitimate anti-malware softwareapplication.