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Asked by: Zita Villalonga
home and garden home appliancesHow do I reset my Whirlpool quiet partner 3?
Thereof, how do I reset my Whirlpool quiet partner?
How to Reset a Whirlpool Quiet Partner 1
- Turn on the hot water at the faucet closest to your dishwasher and wait until the water becomes hot.
- Leave the dishwasher door open as you reset it by pressing "heated dry," "normal," "heated dry" and "normal" in quick succession.
- Run the dishwasher.
- Unplug the washer for 1 minute from the electrical outlet.
- Plug the washer back in and lift and lower the lid 6 times within a 12 second period. You have 30 seconds to start lifting and lowering the lid.
- The motor has now been reset and is ready for you to start a cycle.
Keeping this in consideration, does a Whirlpool dishwasher have a reset button?
The Whirlpool machines do not have reset buttons. If you cannot identify the error code, but your dishwasher does not work as expected, perform a general reset. You should do the following steps: Unplug the dishwasher for a few minutes from the electrical outlet.
If your dishwasher won't start, the problem could be the door latch or door latch switches. The door latch assembly is used to hold the door closed during the cycle to prevent water from leaking and it also incorporates the door latch switches that supply power to the dishwasher controls.