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Asked by: Nonato Herman
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow do I reset my Yoosee camera?
Almost Yoosee Wi-Fi cameras havereset button design, pressing the reset button up to5 seconds, the camera will reset to factory default.All user-customized settings will be erased, but will not erasethe data/video clips in SD/TF memory card.
Similarly one may ask, how do I reset my IP camera?
How to reset IP Camera to factory defaults
- Keep the device powered on for at least 30 seconds to completeits normal startup.
- Find something like a pin to press the Reset button on thecamera and hold it for 15 seconds to restore the settings tofactory defaults.
Also to know, how do I reset my Uniview camera?
Press and hold reset button for about 5 seconds toreboot the system.
- Disconnect the camera from power and then remove the tail cableunit from the camera.
- Slide the DIP switch, replace the tail cable unit and thenconnect the camera to power.
- The camera is restored to the factory default settings afterthe startup.
Hello, there, there's no way that your IP camerascan be hacked if they are not connected to the Internet.So if you don't connect the recorder to the router, therewill be NO hacking issues.