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Asked by: Sonja Arandiga
technology and computing shareware and freewareHow do I restore my Viber messages to my new iPhone?
Follow the steps to restore Viber messages oniPhone.
- Go to Settings > General > Reset, then tap "Eraseall content and settings" to make your device back to itsoriginal state.
- From the Apps & Data screen, tap "Restorefrom iCloud Backup" and then sign in to iCloud.
Similarly, it is asked, how do I transfer my Viber messages to my new phone?
Select “Settings” and tap on“Account” under it. Activate Viber. You willautomatically be prompted by Viber to restore thecurrent backup. After the doing the above,your old Viber account will successfully betransferred to your new phone with all yourconversations and data.
Keeping this in view, how can I restore my Viber messages?
Restore Viber chats from Google account:
- Similarly, go to Settings -> Account -> click on ViberBackup.
- On Viber Backup page, you can see two options, Back up andRestore. Here you need to click on Restore and then hit Restore Nowto confirm your option.
The recieved images and videos are storedin default Viber folder > media > ViberImage/Videos while the recordings and other recieved files arestored in Default download folder.