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Asked by: Yasmin Wanz
technology and computing emailHow do I retrieve a deleted draft message on android?
Keeping this in view, how do I find my drafts on Android?
You can learn how to get to your drafts on yourDroid smartphone by following a few steps. Press the menu button,then tap "Go to labels." Scroll down, then tap the "Drafts"label. Your Gmail drafts are displayed on thisscreen.
Thereof, how do I delete a draft text message on android?
Press & hold a draft message toView/Delete or press the Menu button again & selectDelete Drafts to go to a view where you can bulk mark thedrafts you want to delete.
It will show draft message is available on thesaid contact. 2 Tap the back key to save to Draft. 3 It willthen show Draft in the messaging list. Once Draftmessages are created and you want to check the list ofDraft message,just go to Messaging->tap submenu->tap on Draft Messages to see the list ofDraft Messages.