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Asked by: Vanita Uytterhaegen
technology and computing laptopsHow do I right click without a mouse Windows 10?
In respect to this, what is the keyboard shortcut for right click?
The right-click keyboard shortcut is toholddownSHIFT and then press F10. That's one ofmyfavoritekeyboard shortcuts because it comes in VERY handyandsometimesit's actually easier to use the keyboardthanthemouse.
Similarly, how do I copy and paste without a mouse?
Copy and Paste without needing tousetheMouse. In previous versions of windows whenyourwereCopying Files (Ctrl-C) then alt-Tab (to the appropriatewindow)andPasting (Ctrl-V) using the Keyboard everything could bedrivenbythe keyboard.
If you want to right-click onalaptopwithout using the trackpad, you can do it usingakeyboardshortcut. Position the cursor and hold down"Shift"andpress "F10" to right-click. Somelaptopsalsohave a specific key called a "Menu" key that canbe usedforright-clicking.