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Asked by: Basmala Dreier
technology and computing desktop publishingHow do I scan a handwritten document into Word?
Likewise, can we convert a handwritten image file to text?
You can digitize any handwritten documentfast and simple, and turn it into editable text that youcan work on your computer. To use the best of thehandwriting OCR, make sure your documents are clear andclean, and use a powerful scanner.
Similarly, it is asked, what is a hand written document called?
A manuscript is a handwritten work. It refers toold documents actually written by hand beforebooks were made, but it can also refer to a writer's unpublishedwork whether it's handwritten or typed.
The latest version of Evernote for iPhone andiPad adds your finished sketches to notes and puts yourhandwriting through its optical character recognition (OCR)system, to make the text searchable — assuming yourwriting is legible, of course. Unfortunately,Evernote didn't go far enough with the newfeatures.