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Asked by: Hinde Yadelajoie
technology and computing browsersHow do I search for subfolders in Windows 7?
Open Windows Explorer. Select Organize /Folderand Search options. Select the Search Tab. Inthe Howto search section, select the Includesubfolders insearch results when searching infile foldersoption.
Keeping this in view, how do I search for folders in Windows 7?
Search in all files and folders in Windows 7
- Click Start, and then Computer.
- Click Organize, and then Folder and search options.
- Click Search, and enable Always search files names andcontents(this might take several minutes).
- Click OK to confirm.
- Press Win+F to bring forth the Windows Search window.
- Click the mouse in the Search text box in the upper-rightcornerof the window.
- Type size:gigantic.
- Sort the list by right-clicking in the window and choosingSortBy—>Size.
Thereof, how do I search within a folder?
- Open the folder that you want to search. In order to searchaspecific folder for a file's contents, you'll first need toopenthat folder.
- Click the search bar. It's in the upper-right corner ofthefolder's window.
- Enter the "content search" prompt.
- Enter the content search term.
- Review the results.
In File Explorer, you will see a right-pointing bracket(> ) next to any folder that contains subfolders. Justmoveyour mouse over a folder name to see if it contains thebracket. Inthe example above, "This PC" containssubfolders. To displaythe subfolders, just click onthe folder name.