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Asked by: Fozia Bober
technology and computing operating systemsHow do I see all threads in Linux?
Hereof, how do I see threads in Linux?
Each thread in a process creates a directory under /proc/<pid>/task . Count the number of directories, and you have the number of threads. ps -eLf on the shell shall give you a list of all the threads and processes currently running on the system. Or, you can run top command then hit 'H' to toggle thread listings.
Secondly, how can you tell how many threads you are running?
You will find how many threads you can run on your machine by running htop or ps command that returns number of process on your machine. You can use man page about 'ps' command. If you want to calculate number of all users process, you can use one of these commands: ps -aux| wc -l.
htop shows individual threads as separate processes by default, similarly to how ps -AL would. If you press capital H it will switch to only showing the main processes (pressing it again switches back). Each thread's summary information actually reflects the whole process, so they don't have separate memory counts etc.