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Asked by: Zorica Hawtin
technology and computing browsersHow do I see what information Google has on me?
- Go to your Google Account.
- On the left navigation panel, click Data &personalization.
- Scroll to the Things you can create and do panel.
- Click Go to Google Dashboard.
- You'll see Google services you use and a summary of yourdata.
Likewise, how do I download what Google knows about me?
Download all data from Google
- Open “Download your data” in your browser.
- Select the services you need the activity data of, and clickNext.
- Configure the “File type” and “Archive size(max)” per your convenience, and choose “Send downloadlink via email” as the “Delivery method“, thenclick the “CREATE ARCHIVE” button.
Thereof, where does Google get its information?
Crawling is the process by which Googlebot discovers newand updated pages to be added to the Google index. We use ahuge set of computers to fetch (or "crawl") billions of pages onthe web. The program that does the fetching is calledGooglebot (also known as a robot, bot, or spider).
Clicking on it will open Google Maps, which willdisplay where you were at the time. You candelete it from this popup by clicking on the navigation iconwith the three stacked dots and then "Delete." Some itemswill be grouped in unexpected places, such as topic names,, Search, or Maps.